Blake Homan, President/Founder
Blake is an entrepreneur and industry veteran, with over twenty years of experience in a variety of senior engineering and marketing positions. Prior to founding Video Clarity, Blake was Vice President of Technical Marketing at Optibase (OBAS), an IPTV streaming, encoding, and decoding solutions’ company. Blake joined Optibase with the acquisition of Viewgraphics Inc., a digital media transmission company. During his tenure at Optibase, Blake was instrumental in setting up world-wide support and defining application engineering.
Adam Schadle, Vice President
Adam is responsible for marketing, worldwide sales, and overall business development. He has more than thirty years of experience in management and leadership of companies providing video solutions to enterprises, television networks, and entertainment service providers targeting a variety of applications. Formerly, as president of Optibase Inc., Adam led the launch and sales growth of successful products for broadcast news infrastructure, municipal security, telco, and government IPTV applications. Prior to Optibase Adam held positions as Vice President of Marketing for Viewgraphics and Director of Marketing for Sony Electronics’ Broadcast and Professional Products Group.